Winery “Vinuri de Comrat”

Vinuri de Comrat’s history dates back to 1897, when the first written mention of the wine court in Comrat city appeared. The history of the winery is growing rapidly. Surviving the destruction due to peasant disorders, it is transformed into a vocational school. After the Second World War, the school becomes a grape processing company, which led to the formation of a large winery, in 1995 being renamed in Vinuri de Comrat (“Comrat Wines”).

Today, the winery is a modern winemaking company, one of the most famous in Moldova, and one of the largest wine production companies in Gagauzia. Grapes are cultivated and processed here, producing several types of wine such as: dry wines, dessert wines, semi-sweet wines and vintage wines.

Like all Moldovan wineries, Comrat Wines offers excursions with wine tastings. Wine tasting is accompanied by snacks or lunch in the traditional Gagauz and Moldovan style. Of course, right here, you can buy your favorite wines and be sure of their unmatched quality.

You can visit “Vinuri de Comrat” Winery as part of our tours to Gagauzia:

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